Beyond outdated self-help, endlessly rehashed, superficial "positive thinking" approaches, and incomplete airy-fairy spiritual approaches, lies the next level: The Level 5 Paradigm and "Spellbreak" Technology, by Brian D. Ridgway.

Among the ranks of great speakers delivering truly world-class content, Brian D. Ridgway brings something that is refreshingly original: His LIVE “Spellbreaks.”

A "spell" is a mental, emotional and/or psychological state, often beyond our awareness or control. These unconscious spells are what underlies and creates a persons "triggers" - and their reactions to those triggers.

In interviews, and in his work, Brian invites members of the audience to experience the power of Spellbreaking by sharing one of their unresolved, long-standing life-issues. He then helps them to dissolve their perception of the problem and helps them to permanently transcend that issue LIVE, in a matter of minutes.

Even more incredible, due to the powerful energetics of Brian?s work, when the subject has their breakthrough, everyone in the audience experiences their OWN variation of the breakthrough.

Brian D. Ridgway helps people eliminate the illusion of problems and access their Infinite Intelligence ? ever-present guidance and limitless power - to create the body, health, business, wealth, relationships, life and WORLD of their dreams.

Brian’s Story

After an abusive childhood, Brian dove into self-help and personal development, seeking to improve his life. As program after program failed to deliver the promised transformation, Brian became a self-proclaimed “Self-Help Junkie” - eventually investing over $300,000 and tens of thousands of hours into his desperate quest for a life that “worked.”

At his lowest, most hopeless point, homeless and suicidal, Brian experienced what he calls his “Miracle Moment”, one blast of infinite awareness and insight, where he discovered “The Level 5 Paradigm”. His entire life transformed.He went from homeless to living in paradise in Hawaii, and has dedicated his life to spreading the “LEVEL 5 TECHNOLOGY” and helping others attain true, lasting personal freedom.

What if "Self Improvement"
Is a Trap?

Similar to the pharmaceutical industry, traditional "self-help" is designed to make you feel better - always temporarily- not treat the underlying issue. It's a trap to keep you coming back.

That is why avid self-improvement fans self-identify as "self-help junkies"! (You always have to go to the next program, course or seminar for another temporary "fix".)

What if there is actually a way to completely transform one?s life - in all areas, all at once - by finding and shifting the one hidden issue that has been creating all of the stuckness all along?

That question is answered in Brian's game-changing #1 International Bestseller, "Break Your Self-Help Addiction".

What would it be like to dissolve ?the illusion of problems??

  • ~ Access your Infinite Intelligence, Limitless Power and Ever-Present Guidance,
  • ~ “Shake off” chronic anger, sadness and fear in seconds,
  • ~ Spot the “hidden lie” in the majority of self-improvement work, and
  • ~ Begin to consciously create the body, health, business, wealth, relationships, life and world of your dreams.

View the 290 5-Star reviews on Amazon? >

What Book Readers Are Saying...

“the next giant leap for mankind”

“Breaking the cycle of hope, purchase, disappointment, hope, this book contains no less than the next giant leap for mankind!”

Jack Humphrey

Break Your Self Help Addiction Book

Jack Humphrey

“Breaking the cycle of hope, purchase, disappointment, hope, this book contains no less than the next giant leap for mankind!”

“fix any issue or blockage once and for all”

“This book helps you quickly and easily understand and fix any issue or blockage once and for all before you reach the last page. The process revealed is simple yet eye opening and very easy to follow!”

Joakim Hansson

Break Your Self Help Addiction Book

Joakim Hansson

“This book helps you quickly and easily understand and fix any issue or blockage once and for all before you reach the last page. The process revealed is simple yet eye opening and very easy to follow!”

“Brian goes so much deeper than any other teacher”

“Brian goes so much deeper than any other teacher out there, down to the basics, the fundamentals, of why we are here, who we are, and how are mind works.”

Meridith Snyder

Break Your Self Help Addiction Book

Meridith Snyder

“Brian goes so much deeper than any other teacher out there, down to the basics, the fundamentals, of why we are here, who we are, and how are mind works.”

“literally changed everything”

“The information contained in Brian Ridgway's book was the source of a complete paradigm shift for me, that has literally changed everything in my life. I am no longer seeking.”

Jill Carrie

Break Your Self Help Addiction Book

Jill Carrie

“The information contained in Brian Ridgway's book was the source of a complete paradigm shift for me, that has literally changed everything in my life. I am no longer seeking.”
Break Your Self Help Addiction Book


Sine Network Interview

Natalie Ledwell Interview

Angela Lauria Interview

Morgana Rae Interview: Total Personal Freedom

Terri Levine Interviews
Brian D. Ridgway

Good Thinking TV Interview

Dianne Forster Interview:
Are You a Self-Help Junkie?

Kathy Mason Interviews
Brian D. Ridgway

Seth Greene Interviews Brian D. Ridgway


Positive Head - Episode 812: Pal-Wow with "Spellbreaker" Brian D. Ridgway

Positive Head - Episode 818: Follow Up Mini Pal-Wow with Brian D. Ridgway

[NOTE: Hit the orange play buttons to play the podcasts directly]

What Hosts Are Saying...

“If you ever get a chance to book Brian…”

“I was in the audience for Brian’s first event, and he totally blew the minds (and opened the hearts) of every person in the room – including me. If you ever get a chance to book Brian, or to hear him speak, jump on it.”

Brad Fallon
Cofounder: Stompernet, SEOPro Events.

Brian D. Ridgway

Brad Fallon
Cofounder: Stompernet, SEOPro Events.

“I was in the audience for Brian’s first event, and he totally blew the minds (and opened the hearts) of every person in the room – including me. If you ever get a chance to book Brian, or to hear him speak, jump on it.”

“totally transfixes his audience”

“Brian blew me away. Brian brings not only genius, but sensitivity, insight and wisdom. The
energy he brings totally transfixes his audience.”

Richard Weiler
CEO of Guerilla Marketing

Brian D. Ridgway

Richard Weiler
CEO of Guerilla Marketing

“Brian blew me away. Brian brings not only genius, but sensitivity, insight and wisdom. The energy he brings totally transfixes his audience.”

“Brian is the best I’ve ever seen”

“Brian Ridgway is a force of nature. After working with Donald Trump and CEO’s and execs from some of the biggest companies in the world, I’ve got to say it: Brian is the best I’ve ever seen at helping people to QUICKLY transform their problems into massive success.”

Blake Goodwin
CEO and Founder: VideoOptimize

Brian D. Ridgway

Blake Goodwin
CEO and Founder: VideoOptimize

“Brian Ridgway is a force of nature. After working with Donald Trump and CEO’s and execs from some of the biggest companies in the world, I’ve got to say it: Brian is the best I’ve ever seen at helping people to QUICKLY transform their problems into massive success.”

“the crowd was totally wowed”

“In early 2011, we invited Brian to speak at my OUTSOURCE LIVE event in Los Angeles. The crowd was totally wowed and really loved his energy, charisma and powerful delivery.”

Daven Michaels?
Founder: 123Employee

Brian D. Ridgway

Daven Michaels?
Founder: 123Employee

“In early 2011, we invited Brian to speak at my OUTSOURCE LIVE event in Los Angeles. The crowd was totally wowed and really loved his energy, charisma and powerful delivery.”
Brian D. Ridgway

Outsource LIVE Speaking Testimonial

Media Kit

Here is Brian's Speaker Kit PDF >

Media Photos (right click to download)