The #1 Most Important Factor in Selecting a Man

And what to do when your current partner lacks it

By Brian D. Ridgway

Today I'm going to "undertake the impossible."

I'll reveal the single most important trait of a perfect man . . . and what to do when your current partner lacks it.

This 1 thing in a man makes all the difference in how he approaches relationships - and how he will behave in the long term. In fact, this single trait could make all the difference between a miserable relationship and a relationship filled with love, acceptance and respect.

It's not about the BS they teach in relationship programs or idiotic TV shows. We won't be talking about his appearance, his status, the shoes he wears, the car he drives, his job, his intelligence or other similar factors.

Because in the real world, none of these matter.

The Truth About Relationships No One Talks About

Buckle up, because here comes some bitter truth: it is almost certain that the guy isn't showing her his true self on the first meetings and even in the first months of a new relationship.

To some extent, we are all faking it at the beginning of our relationships - because we feel attracted to each other and we don't want to blow it. It's only after some time that the mask slips and we discover who we really are with.

So none of the above traits matter - because you have no way of telling whether they're real.

So what is this #1 trait that gives almost 99% certainty the man is THE perfect one? This super-important trait is . . . His close relationship with his mother.

Here's why.

Today I'm going to "undertake the impossible." 

I'll reveal the single most important trait of a perfect man . . . and what to do when your current partner lacks it.

This 1 thing in a man makes all the difference in how he approaches relationships - and how he will behave in the long term.

In fact, this single trait could make all the difference between a miserable relationship and a relationship filled with love, acceptance and respect.

It's not about the BS they teach in relationship programs or idiotic TV shows. We won't be talking about his appearance, his status, the shoes he wears, the car he drives, his job, his intelligence or other similar factors.

Because in the real world, none of these matter.

The Truth About Relationships No One Talks About

Buckle up, because here comes some bitter truth: it is almost certain that the guy isn't showing her his true self on the first meetings and even in the first months of a new relationship.

To some extent, we are all faking it at the beginning of our relationships - because we feel attracted to each other and we don't want to blow it.

It's only after some time that the mask slips and we discover who we really are with.

So none of the above traits matter - because you have no way of telling whether they're real.

So what is this #1 trait that gives almost 99% certainty the man is THE perfect one? This super-important trait is . . . His close relationship with his mother.

Here's why.

Mothers Have Bigger Influence Than We Think

Have you ever wondered why a few folks like Warren Buffett or Jeff Bezos grow their fortunes easily, while the majority of people struggle to make ends meet? It's not because they're lucky.

It's because they grew up in an environment that made them believe that abundance was easy to achieve. Even if some of them got lucky and inherited fortunes - if they hadn't had this abundance mindset, they would have lost it all.

So just as rich people have their "abundance mindset" - the perfect man has a "feminine love mindset". If he has a warm, close relationship with his mother - it means that she gave him all the love and attention he needed when he was a child.

And because of that, he became a strong, independent and self-confident, but also a warm, caring and romantic man.

I'm not exaggerating - to us guys, mother's love is really THAT important. A healthy relationship with his mother is a telltale sign that a guy is stable and grown-up emotionally . . . And that he almost certainly has the inner preparation to be a perfect, loving partner.

This is all well and good but there's one tiny "problem" . . .

Mothers Have Bigger Influence Than We Think

Have you ever wondered why a few folks like Warren Buffett or Jeff Bezos grow their fortunes easily, while the majority of people struggle to make ends meet?

It's not because they're lucky.

It's because they grew up in an environment that made them believe that abundance was easy to achieve. 

Even if some of them got lucky and inherited fortunes - if they hadn't had this abundance mindset, they would have lost it all.

So just as rich people have their "abundance mindset" - the perfect man has a "feminine love mindset".

If he has a warm, close relationship with his mother - it means that she gave him all the love and attention he needed when he was a child.

And because of that, he became a strong, independent and self-confident, but also a warm, caring and romantic man.

I'm not exaggerating - to us guys, mother's love is really THAT important. A healthy relationship with his mother is a telltale sign that a guy is stable and grown-up emotionally . . .

And that he almost certainly has the inner preparation to be a perfect, loving partner.

This is all well and good but there's one tiny "problem" . . . 

Men Lack Love

There are very few men on the planet, who have such perfect relationships with their mothers. The truth is, most men have never experienced true feminine love when they were kids . . . And now, on the outside, they're grown-ups . . .

But inside, they're still little boys seeking love and acceptance.

The chances are high that most of the men you have ever met were like that . . . And the chances are high your current partner is like that, too. Should you run from him or stop dating as soon as you stop reading this article'

I don't know.

What I know is that such a man unconsciously wants from you, what he never received from his mother . . .

He craves unconditional love and acceptance - even if he's not aware of it.

And I know that as soon as you
start consciously sharing your unlimited, feminine love with him - it could turn him into a perfect, caring, romantic, strong, and independent man.

Sounds too far-fetched? I don't blame you. It's totally ok to be skeptical. I can imagine many women reading this article have probably been through plenty of smaller or bigger relationship disasters . . . And perhaps they even lost hope that they could enjoy a perfect relationship with a man.

But the truth is - it is possible to achieve it.

Men Lack Love

There are very few men on the planet, who have such perfect relationships with their mothers.

The truth is, most men have never experienced true feminine love when they were kids . . . And now, on the outside, they're grown-ups . . .

But inside, they're still little boys seeking love and acceptance.

The chances are high that most of the men you have ever met were like that . . . And the chances are high your current partner is like that, too.

Should you run from him or stop dating as soon as you stop reading this article?

I don't know.

What I know is that such a man unconsciously wants from you, what he never received from his mother . . .

He craves unconditional love and acceptance - even if he's not aware of it.

And I know that as soon as you start consciously sharing your unlimited, feminine love with him - it could turn him into a perfect, caring, romantic, strong, and independent man.

Sounds too far-fetched? I don't blame you. It's totally ok to be skeptical.

I can imagine many women reading this article have probably been through plenty of smaller or bigger relationship disasters . . .

And perhaps they even lost hope that they could enjoy a perfect relationship with a man.

But the truth is - it is possible to achieve it.

The Secret to Healing a Relationship

I'm Brian D. Ridgway - #1 international bestselling author and international speaker.

With my discoveries, I helped over 120,000 people from 84 countries to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Brian developed unique techniques that helped him and over 120,000 people to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Brian developed unique techniques that helped him and over 120,000 people to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Look at what I shared with you in this article.

Have you ever heard someone going this deep and talking about inner emotional workings of relationships like I do? I honestly doubt it.

Look, for the best part of my life, my relationships sucked, too. I spent 30 years searching for advice that could help me deal with it. But I NEVER found it.

So out of pure desperation, one day I sat down at my desk, and as I was breathing deeply . . . I created . . . or rather, I "recieved" . . . A "relationship-healing tool" that forever changed my relationships.

It all happened about 7 1/2 years ago . . . and that event put a definite end to my relationship struggles. Soon after that, I found a woman that I adore and worship every minute of my life . . . And my relationships with my kids and friends have never been better.

All because of this simple tool.

If someone approached me today and showed me something that worked better - I would drop everything and I'd focus on that thing. 
But, as of now, this one relationship tool is the ULTIMATE thing I have ever experienced in the realm of relationships.

So for every woman who's tired of being out there and trying to pick "the one" . . .

Or for every woman who has already picked "the one" who turned out not to be as perfect as she thought he would be . . .

My relationship tool that I call "Your Perfect Man" could become a way out of their relationship misery . . . And it could open the gates to a healthy, warm, filled with love, respect and explosive romance relationship that lasts!

This is the first time I'm making this tool public . . . And because of that, I'm making it available for a fraction of what it is worth . . .

And . . . I'm adding 7 weeks of my live mentoring to it for free!

To keep it intimate enough, I have limited the number of participants to 222 - and right now I'm promoting it to my followers at full speed, so I expect to quickly reach that number.

This tool is very special to me. It has forever changed my life - and I know it could help others achieve the same.

And because there are only 222 spots available, I don't know how long it will be open.

You can get more details and see if it's still available by clicking the link below:

Look at what I shared with you in this article.

Have you ever heard someone going this deep and talking about inner emotional workings of relationships like I do? I honestly doubt it.

Look, for the best part of my life, my relationships sucked, too. I spent 30 years searching for advice that could help me deal with it.

But I NEVER found it.

So out of pure desperation, one day I sat down at my desk, and as I was breathing deeply . . . I created . . . or rather, I "recieved" . . .

A "relationship-healing tool" that forever changed my relationships.

It all happened about 7 1/2 years ago . . . and that event put a definite end to my relationship struggles.

Soon after that, I found a woman that I adore and worship every minute of my life . . . And my relationships with my kids and friends have never been better.

All because of this simple tool.

If someone approached me today and showed me something that worked better - I would drop everything and I'd focus on that thing.

But, as of now, this one relationship tool is the ULTIMATE thing I have ever experienced in the realm of relationships.

So for every woman who's tired of being out there and trying to pick "the one" . . .

Or for every woman who has already picked "the one" who turned out not to be as perfect as she thought he would be . . .

My relationship tool that I call "Your Perfect Man" could become a way out of their relationship misery . . .

And it could open the gates to a healthy, warm, filled with love, respect and explosive romance relationship that lasts!

This is the first time I'm making this tool public . . . And because of that, I'm making it available for a fraction of what it is worth . . .

And . . . I'm adding 7 weeks of my live mentoring to it for free!

To keep it intimate enough, I have limited the number of participants to 222 - and right now I'm promoting it to my followers at full speed, so I expect to quickly reach that number.

This tool is very special to me. It has forever changed my life - and I know it could help others achieve the same.

And because there are only 222 spots available, I don't know how long it will be open.

You can get more details and see if it's still available by clicking the link below: