Always fighting with him about the same things?

This is how to end this ongoing loop of sadness and frustration

By Brian D. Ridgway

Many women admit that one of the most frustrating issues in relationships is that they're constantly repeating the same patterns.

The ones that are in a relationship are always experiencing the same events, that lead to the same conflicts, arguments and dramas. And the ones that are looking for their perfect man, somehow always end up with men very similar to the previous one . . . and soon after that, they're single again.

Many women admit that one of the most frustrating issues in relationships is that they're constantly repeating the same patterns.

The ones that are in a relationship are always experiencing the same events, that lead to the same conflicts, arguments and dramas.

And the ones that are looking for their perfect man, somehow always end up with men very similar to the previous one . . . and soon after that, they're single again.

Why do we always repeat the same fights and patterns in our relationships

Why do we always repeat the same fights and patterns in our relationships?

What these women all have in common is they have no idea why it happens . . . and most of them have lost hope that it's possible to change it.

If you're like them, then I have some good news for you.

The Root is Always the Same

This situation in relationships reminds me of "Fun Houses" at the fair when I was a kid. What I liked the most in "Fun Houses" were rooms with carnival mirrors. I loved watching dozens of my reflections weirdly stretched or compressed, or bent this or the other way.

It made me laugh but it also got me curious about how it was possible that the mirrors reflected my image in such a distorted, weird way. Fast forward to today, the mirrors aren't that fascinating to me anymore . . . or fun.

But there's one thing that I've learned thanks to my childhood fun house experiences and all the inner work I did in my adult life.

The Root is Always the Same

This situation in relationships reminds me of "Fun Houses" at the fair when I was a kid.

What I liked the most in "Fun Houses" were rooms with carnival mirrors.

I loved watching dozens of my reflections weirdly stretched or compressed, or bent this or the other way.

It made me laugh but it also got me curious about how it was possible that the mirrors reflected my image in such a distorted, weird way.

Fast forward to today, the mirrors aren't that fascinating to me anymore . . . or fun.

But there's one thing that I've learned thanks to my childhood fun house experiences and all the inner work I did in my adult life.

We Are Like Mirrors . . .

The lesson is that we all come to this planet as perfect plane mirrors - with ZERO bends and flaws. But then there comes the indoctrination and the programming we go through - and each of these events bends our mirror and distorts our image - and the image of the world we reflect.

So when it comes to relationships, we need to understand that we ALL are like bent, distorted mirrors.

We all perceive ourselves and the entire world based on the programming and events we experienced in early childhood. To put it bluntly - we're seeing a fake version of ourselves and our reality.

And . . .

We're attracted to people whose mirrors distort reality in a similar way our mirrors do.

So a woman might feel attracted to certain types of men, because their mirrors show her a similar reality to the one she sees in her mirror. That's why they both feel attracted to each other - they connect - and they add their distortions creating an atomic mix of insecurities, fear, unfulfilled needs, repeating patterns, arguments and fights that sooner or later start exploding in their relationship.

Then they either continue living in such a miserable relationship . . . Or they end it, hoping the next one will be better.

But it isn't.

It's more or less the same as the last one.

How to Stop it

So the ultimate truth that comes from this analogy is - if a woman wants to stop attracting "wrong" men into her life . . . or . . . If she wants to stop having the same fights, the same conflicts, the same issues with her man, kids, parents or friends over and over again . . .

She needs to look closer at her mirror . . . and start flattening it out, removing one distortion after another.
(Which is easier than most women think!)

When she does this, she immediately starts connecting with men who also have beautiful, plane-flat mirrors . . . Or she inspires her partner or husband to either change his mirror to fit her new one . . . or leave and give her space to create the relationship she has always dreamt of.

Either way is 100% perfect - and it leads to greater happiness, deeper love, respect, and explosive romance. This insight is so powerful that for those ready to embrace it - it gives them the most amazing relationship breakthrough of their lives!

We Are Like Mirrors . . .

The lesson is that we all come to this planet as perfect plane mirrors - with ZERO bends and flaws.

But then there comes the indoctrination and the programming we go through - and each of these events bends our mirror and distorts our image - and the image of the world we reflect.

So when it comes to relationships, we need to understand that we ALL are like bent, distorted mirrors.

We all perceive ourselves and the entire world based on the programming and events we experienced in early childhood.

To put it bluntly - we're seeing a fake version of ourselves and our reality.

And . . .

We're attracted to people whose mirrors distort reality in a similar way our mirrors do.

So a woman might feel attracted to certain types of men, because their mirrors show her a similar reality to the one she sees in her mirror.

That's why they both feel attracted to each other - they connect - and they add their distortions creating an atomic mix of insecurities, fear, unfulfilled needs, repeating patterns, arguments and fights that sooner or later start exploding in their relationship.

Then they either continue living in such a miserable relationship . . . Or they end it, hoping the next one will be better.

But it isn't.

It's more or less the same as the last one.

How to Stop it

So the ultimate truth that comes from this analogy is - if a woman wants to stop attracting "wrong" men into her life . . . or . . .

If she wants to stop having the same fights, the same conflicts, the same issues with her man, kids, parents or friends over and over again . . .

She needs to look closer at her mirror . . . and start flattening it out, removing one distortion after another. (Which is easier than most women think!)

When she does this, she immediately starts connecting with men who also have beautiful, plane-flat mirrors . . .

Or she inspires her partner or husband to either change his mirror to fit her new one . . . or leave and give her space to create the relationship she has always dreamt of.

Either way is 100% perfect - and it leads to greater happiness, deeper love, respect, and explosive romance.

This insight is so powerful that for those ready to embrace it - it gives them the most amazing relationship breakthrough of their lives!

Heals Different Relationships, Too

This is one of the key things I did to heal all my relationships and find the perfect woman that I worship and adore every single minute of my life.

It was over 7 years ago - and since then, ALL my relationships - with my wife, with my kids, with my neighbors, friends, and business partners became truly miraculous.

Today, I am finally ready to help others achieve such, almost miraculous relationship breakthroughs.

I'm Brian D. Ridgway - #1 international bestselling author and international speaker.

With my discoveries, I helped over 120,000 people from 84 countries to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Brian developed unique techniques that helped him and over 120,000 people to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Brian developed unique techniques that helped him and over 120,000 people to heal their relationships and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Today, I want to help you.

I have created a program that I call "Your Perfect Man" . . .

And I'm thrilled to invite you to join us under some very special conditions, so I can help you reinvent your relationships for good.

Only for this edition of this program, I'm adding 7 weeks of my live mentoring to it for free. And listen - this won't be any kind of coaching. We won't be spending hours learning and mastering new teachings. Far from that.

We will focus 100% on following this super-simple system - which will require just a few minutes of your attention daily. And that's it.

No daily routines, no affirmations, no meditating, and no vision boards.

It is possible that those who follow this magical program - could experience a big relationship breakthrough. And because this is the first time I'm making this program public and I'm doing it on Black Friday . . . You can join it for less than a fourth of its actual value.

I'm not saying you should drop everything and join us right now . . .

I'm saying that the magical relationship you dream about can be closer than you dare to imagine . . .

And I can help you get there.

You can join us under some very special conditions that I won't repeat . . . And there are only 222 spots available. Over the next few days, 30,000+ of my followers will see this offer, and as soon as the first 222 women join, we are closing the doors.

For more information, click the link below now:

Check the Special Edition of "Your Perfect Man" Program >>>

Today, I want to help you.

I have created a program that I call "Your Perfect Man" . . .

And I'm thrilled to invite you to join us under some very special conditions, so I can help you reinvent your relationships for good.

Only for this edition of this program, I'm adding 7 weeks of my live mentoring to it for free.

And listen - this won't be any kind of coaching. We won't be spending hours learning and mastering new teachings. Far from that.

We will focus 100% on following this super-simple system - which will require just a few minutes of your attention daily. And that's it.

No daily routines, no affirmations, no meditating, and no vision boards.

It is possible that those who follow this magical program ' could experience a big relationship breakthrough.

And because this is the first time I'm making this program public and I'm doing it on Black Friday . . .

You can join it for less than a fourth of its actual value.

I'm not saying you should drop everything and join us right now . . .

I'm saying that the magical relationship you dream about can be closer than you dare to imagine . . .

And I can help you get there.

You can join us under some very special conditions that I won't repeat . . . And there are only 222 spots available.

Over the next few days, 30,000+ of my followers will see this offer, and as soon as the first 222 women join, we are closing the doors.

For more information, click the link below now:

Check the Special Edition of "Your Perfect Man" Program >>>