Living in Oneness:
The Step-By-Step Guide to Creating the Life of Our Dreams
Watch Living in Oneness and discover the key information missing from all the spiritual or self-help resources . . . And use it to create your personal "Heaven on Earth"
Leverage My Experience to Change Your Life

To create Living in Oneness, I took everything I?ve learned in my 39 years of inner work (including 9 years of helping other people at the highest levels) . . . and boiled it down to the most comprehensive, liberating and mind-blowing experience imaginable.
So if you?ve been trying different approaches and techniques to enhance your life yet you?re still stuck getting things you don?t want . . . then Living in Oneness can end this vicious cycle . . .
Because I will show you exactly why that happens, and how to change it for good.
Here?s What You?ll Discover
First, I?ll remind you of the 3 vital truths:
- I?ll remind you who and what you really are
- I?ll remind you how powerful you are
- I?ll prove it to you that you?re 100% perfect, and there?s nothing wrong with you (and never was)
Next, I?ll show you why your inner work either hasn?t worked for you . . . or it didn?t bring you the outcome you desired.
I?ll also obliterate the 4 biggest myths in the entire world of self improvement. I?ll show you:
- Why in most cases affirmations are useless
- Why raising your vibration doesn?t work and can be very harmful
- I?ll prove it to you that there are no ?blocks? and none of us has them
- And I?ll show you it is not true that we are attracting what we are getting (this one thing alone can change everything for you)
Finally, I will walk you through 5 magical and undeniable ?steps? that reveal the true nature of the universe . . . And the true nature of ourselves.
All that will lead to me showing you why you?re not getting the things and the outcomes you most want.
Plus, I will show you how to take the things that keep coming back that you don?t want . . . go to their roots . . . and eliminate them for good.
In other words . . .
Living in Oneness will prepare you, step-by-step, to recognize and dissolve everything that?s been holding you back . . . so you can finally break the chains and start getting what you want!
People Experience Miracles
Let me show you what happens, when I help people dissolve their deep issues (which I call Spells). The great news is, after watching Living in Oneness you?ll know how to do it on your own!

After 22 years of having chronic back pain, pelvic spinal disc and scoliosis issues, Kate Postma watched a live session with me and other people . . . and got rid of all her back problems. She has been pain free ever since.

Vee Comstock melted away her Compound PTSD that she was struggling with for 20 years. Since her first session with me in 2016, she has never had another episode of it.

Shira Addato experienced a money miracle. After watching one of my free online sessions, she received an unexpected check for $3,333 . . . and 2 days later, she closed a $30,000 sale.

23 years ago, Elke from Belgium was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. As a result, even a 300-foot walk was a struggle for her. In 2017, she watched one of my live sessions . . . The next morning, when Elke woke up, she went for an one hour walk without any difficulties. When she returned home, she was jumping with joy because it was clear that her issue was gone!
Who?s Brian D. Ridgway
I?m not a healer, a teacher, or a guru. I?m just a ?reminder?, here to remind you of what you already ? and always ? know.
For over 30 years I was living a hell on Earth. During that time I invested over $300,000 on different self-help solutions ? yet no one and nothing could help me.
It all changed in 2011 when I experienced my moment of awakening. Since then, I became an international speaker and #1 international bestselling author. And I?ve helped over 120,000 people from 84 countries ? including well-known celebrities and business people ? to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Reclaim Your Life-Changing Power
Living in Oneness isn?t like the typical webinars out there.
I?ve invested over 39 years and tens of thousands of hours mastering, testing, improving and searching for proven systems and tools that can change our lives . . . And I will share the best of the best with you in Living in Oneness.
During this 104-minute liberating experience, I will give you more value and benefit than you could expect from a free event like this.
Many people get back to me saying that my free tools gave them more value than all the paid products they ever bought . . . And I?m famous for over-delivering.
I guarantee that Living in Oneness will take it to the next level.
So take action and join me in this liberating experience today. To secure your free spot, click the button below:

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* DISCLAIMER: Results are individual experiences and vary from person to person.
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